>> Statement <<

Are You a cell biology Faraway?

Are You somebody who is interested in biology, in biotechnology, or in the function of cells? Did You ever wonder how something as complicated as a human cell can work? And did You recognize that it does so, even if You did not understand how?

Do You have to understand something about modern cell biology? Perhaps as an engineer, as a physiscist, or as a physiscian, now willingly to cooperate with such crazy ones like biologists?

Did you ever have the feeling that modern biology concerns Your life? Are You now astonished that the info You can get is either useless or unbelievable complicated?

I am working on cells since 1992. I did microscopy, cell physiology, molecular biology, and biotechnology. All the time, the biggest challenge was to keep complicated topics simple. To find structure in the bulk of information. And to communicate my findings and my thoughts to others. This challenge is the motivation to setup this page.

So click on the door button righthand and explore a fascinating facette of modern biology.

Götz Pilarczyk, Heddesheim in August 2006

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